Blue Guts, Animation, 2013  Drawing by Mark Braunias, Animation by Jill Kennedy, Sound by John Payne  2x Single channel digital video and audio.  2x LCD Screens or projections aligned vertically, variable size. 20 sec and 33 sec. Looped  HD Digital

Blue Guts, Animation, 2013

Drawing by Mark Braunias, Animation by Jill Kennedy, Sound by John Payne

2x Single channel digital video and audio.

2x LCD Screens or projections aligned vertically, variable size. 20 sec and 33 sec. Looped

HD Digital file. Ratio: 16:9. Stereo Audio

 Blue Guts, Animation, 2013  Drawing by Mark Braunias, Animation by Jill Kennedy, Sound by John Payne  2x Single channel digital video and audio.  2x LCD Screens or projections aligned vertically, variable size. 20 sec and 33 sec. Looped  HD Digital

Blue Guts, Animation, 2013

Drawing by Mark Braunias, Animation by Jill Kennedy, Sound by John Payne

2x Single channel digital video and audio.

2x LCD Screens or projections aligned vertically, variable size. 20 sec and 33 sec. Looped

HD Digital file. Ratio: 16:9. Stereo Audio