Trip Hazard

When the ability to travel beyond one’s neighbourhood is no longer a certainty, we can expand our horizon by letting our mind follow our eyes. Evan’s new paintings are full of space to move into and through. Airy textures are dense with small moments. Soft blues and pastel hues recede to let ribbons of scarlet and globes of brilliant colours float gently across the canvas. Threads of dark blue spin trails that we can follow to new vistas – there are no singular viewpoints here, but many points of entry.

“These paintings give us space to think –– space to dream”.

Many of these works were painted at the artist’s apartment during Auckland’s Level 4 Lockdown. It is a unique honour that these can be shown not only in the space that they were composed, but also in the artist’s home. Trip Hazard is an authentically personal presentation that continues the PAULNACHE approach to staging sensitively curated experiences for collectors and art lovers.