Wā Hine

7-29 OCTOBER 2016

Featuring work by Jamie Berry, Jo Tito, Erena Koopu, Sarah Kane-Matete, Elizabeth Kerekere, Terangi Roimata Kutia-Tataurangi, Lina Marsh, Ana Te Wahitiwith guest artists Peata Larkin, Tawera Tahuri, Davina Duke, Charlotte Graham, Reremoana Sheridan

    The Wā Hine Exhibition is a celebration of womanhood told through the lives of 13 Māori women artists connected to Te Tairāwhiti, this exhibition is an exploration of what it means to be a Māori woman in post colonial Aotearoa and an expression of the challenges and triumphs experienced.

    Wā Hine celebrates their personal journeys expressed through their many art forms, collectively sharing stories of motherhood, family, deities, menstruation, sexuality, gender, healing, spirituality, land, environment, relationships, decolonisation and connection.

    Wā Hine is a collective journey. The exhibition closes on Saturday the 29th of October 2016. 

    Photography: Jess Graham & Paul Nache, courtesy of PAULNACHE, Gisborne. 

    For more information about the artists and/or their mahi/work, please contact the Gallery